The Relatable Jewish History Timeline

Our present is esoterically linked—interwoven—into the events that precede it. History is more engaging when viewed as a cohesive narrative, rather than a collection of stories and battles. By unraveling the sequence and flow of events, we gain a deeper understanding of how our past has shaped the present. This timeline aims to provide that context.

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Contextualizing Dates

  • What is circa?

    Historians and archaeologists often estimate dates for events where precise records are lacking. In these cases, using “circa”—Latin for “around”—before the date indicates its approximate nature. For example, an event labeled “circa 1850” may have occurred one or more years before/after 1850. As our timeline software does not yet support the use of “circa” notation, we are unable to indicate which dates are exact and which are approximations at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

  • What are “BCE” and “CE”?

    The acronyms “BCE” (Before the Common Era) and “CE” (Common Era)—introduced by astronomer Johannes Kepler—are generally favored by the scientific, academic, and Jewish communities. As our timeline software does not yet support the use of “BCE” and “CE” notation, we use “BC” (Before Christ) and “AD” (Anno Domini or Year of Our Lord) in date labels. Thank you for your understanding.

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